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Zyban is a medicine that can be used for a wide variety of problems. This can be a good weapon to get rid of a smoking addiction. At the same time, it can also work well as an antidepressant, and it is also prescribed to people who have ADHD. The use may differ per complaint that is being treated. This is important to know to get the most out of it. A lot can be achieved thanks to this medicine. The following is then important.

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How to use

Zyban must be absorbed into the body gradually. It is therefore very important to take the tablets whole and not to break or chew them. The slow release is the key. The drug should generally be taken once a day. The length of use varies considerably. With a smoking addiction this is about seven weeks, with depression around six months and with ADHD long-term use is important to achieve good results. Quitting smoking can be very difficult, but with Zyban it is much easier.

Zyban dosage

  • 150 mg Bupropion Hydrochloride

This treatment to quit smoking is normally as follows: 1 Zyban pill once a day for six days, then 1 pill twice a day. After 7 weeks you must make an appointment to review the entire process. The doctor can see whether you can now stop smoking yourself or whether the process needs to continue.

Side effects

Most side effects of Zyban decrease significantly after the first week. If this is not the case, a visit to a doctor is recommended. Side effects include insomnia, dry mouth, gastrointestinal complaints and headache. Less commonly, it involves drowsiness, blurred vision due to reduced tear production, tinnitus, trembling, a feeling of anxiety or nervousness, skin rash, shaking or floating, increased epilepsy symptoms, coordination disorders and memory disorders. Liver disorders and mood swings can also occur. Seeing a doctor is important. They can then make a judgment about it.

View the Zyban package leaflet.

Active ingredients

The active substance in Zyban is bupropion. This is a substance that causes dopamine and norepinephrine to be produced. These substances ensure that there is a different response to addiction symptoms, depression and behavior related to ADHD. It is important to be careful with medications that reduce responsiveness and medications taken against depression. The effects of these medications can interfere with each other.

Zyban Price

  • 60 Pills – €149.35