Lower high blood pressure
How to lower high blood pressure!
High blood pressure increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, for example a stroke or a heart attack. It is not a disease, but if you have high blood pressure for a long time, you are at risk. Worldwide, 1 in 5 adults now has high blood pressure. Of course you can take blood pressure lowering medication for the rest of your life. In certain cases you can also achieve lower blood pressure naturally. In this article we will show you what high blood pressure is and what is smart to lower your blood pressure.
What exactly is blood pressure?
Blood pressure is, as the word suggests, the pressure with which blood pushes against your vessel walls. That pressure ensures that all your organs and muscles receive enough oxygen. With every heartbeat, blood pumps through your body in your veins. Your blood pressure has 2 numbers. The negative pressure and upper pressure. Together they form your blood pressure, also called hypertension. These are measured in millimeters of mercury, mmHg. If your blood pressure is too high, it can damage your blood vessels and that is not good.
Typical pressure
Systolic pressure is also called systolic pressure. This measures the pressure on your arteries when your heart contracts and pumps blood. If you are healthy, the upper pressure should be around 120. If your upper pressure is below that, it is too low. Low blood pressure doesn't do much harm. You may suffer from it and become dizzy, for example. It is not a danger to your health. Usually too low upper pressure is not treated.
Diastolic pressure, also called diastolic pressure, measures the pressure on your arteries when your heart is at rest between 2 beats. A healthy negative pressure is between 65 and 85. When your negative pressure averages towards 90 to 100, there is increased negative pressure. Fortunately, too high a negative pressure is less dangerous than an increased upper pressure. A negative pressure lower than 60 is called a low negative pressure. In general there is little harm.
When is my blood pressure too high?
There is increased blood pressure at an upper pressure of 14o. There is a difference between a blood pressure of 150 and 180. Your blood pressure is based on an average. If you have an occasional outlier, there is nothing to worry about. Action is only necessary if your blood pressure is consistently too high on average. If you have slightly elevated blood pressure, you can do a lot to lower it by adjusting your diet. Medication is often required if there is a significant increase in upper blood pressure. Measuring your blood pressure regularly can help to prevent misery and detect changes at an early stage.
Things that cause high blood pressure?
The older you get, the greater the chance of high blood pressure. The reason for this is that your body becomes stiffer and thus also the blood vessels. They also call this arteriosclerosis. In addition, nutrition affects your blood pressure. They cause high blood pressure, fatty foods, lots of alcohol, lots of licorice and lots of salt. Being overweight and smoking can also cause your blood pressure to be higher. Furthermore, hypertension can be caused by the use of certain painkillers such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen and the use of corticosteroids such as prednisone. Stress can also cause high blood pressure. In some cases, kidney disease is the culprit for elevated blood pressure.
How do I suddenly get high blood pressure?
Sudden high blood pressure can be caused by stress or exertion. Usually this increased pressure is temporary and you do not have to worry. If the stress persists and your blood pressure remains high, consult a doctor to be on the safe side.
Reduce high blood pressure; why would you?
Normal blood pressure is best for your health. If you continue to walk around with high blood pressure, you run the risk of cardiovascular disease, which you would rather prevent than cure. Healthy blood pressure is important for your body. Measuring your blood pressure regularly can help you keep your finger on the pulse.
Is high blood pressure bad for my health?
A prolonged high upper pressure is a danger to your health. You then run the risk of all kinds of discomforts and it can cause major damage to your body. Are you unsure about your blood pressure? Always contact your doctor. Research immediately shows what action is needed for your health.
What is dangerously high blood pressure?
Your blood pressure is dangerously high if your upper pressure is above 180 and your negative pressure is above 90 mmHg. As mentioned earlier, this is not a problem for once and it may be due to temporary exertion or tension. If you measure these values, continue to check regularly. If your blood continues to pump at high pressure, do not continue to walk around with this and see a doctor. You run unnecessary risks if you ignore this signal and you neglect your health.
What to do if you have very high blood pressure?
What can you do if you want to lower significant high blood pressure? First, consult a doctor. Eat healthy, drink in moderation, don't smoke and make sure your body gets enough exercise. Eat less red meat and lots of vegetables. Green tea can also help. Ensure as little stress as possible. Fresh herbs can help.
What to do to reduce negative pressure?
You can achieve a lot by eating less salt. Dutch people use an average of 9 grams of salt per person per day. By eating 3 grams less salt every day you can lower your negative pressure by 1.9 to 3.2 mmHg. So there is still some profit to be made there.
What can you do to lower your blood pressure?
Healthy blood pressure lowers your risk of all kinds of serious complaints. It is therefore worthwhile to achieve a lower blood pressure if your blood pressure has been higher for a longer period of time. Adjusting your diet will quickly help lower your high blood pressure. Start with less salt and saturated fats, less meat and more oily fish, and you will come a long way.
How can you quickly lower your blood pressure?
Eat more unsaturated fats and a few grams of salt less. Then you already have a big switch. Eat less processed products and fast carbohydrates. Drinking less alcohol also has a beneficial effect on your blood pressure. Avoid red meat and fast sugars. Eat more whole grain products and less white rice.
What is the best medicine for high blood pressure?
Sometimes you cannot manage with a different lifestyle alone and you need support to lower your blood pressure. Read about this before having a doctor prescribe medication. You can also engage an orthomolecular therapist. The best medicines for high blood pressure can be found below.
Blood pressure medications used by many
Which medication a doctor prescribes to lower high blood pressure depends on your personal situation. Medication for high blood pressure can be divided into 5 groups: beta blockers, diuretics, angiotensin 2 antagonists, ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists. We examine them all for you.
Water pills
Hydrochlorothiazide, chlorthalidone and indapamide fall under the heading of diuretics. The name says it all. These pills make you urinate more. This lowers the pressure in your blood vessels, which helps lower your blood pressure. Side effects of these pills include fatigue, decreased desire to eat and muscle pain. With some diuretics you have to be careful with sunlight.
Beta blockers
Metoprolol and atenol are beta blockers. They ensure that your heart beats less quickly with the aim of lowering the pressure in the blood vessels. This can also cause side effects such as cold feet and hands, fatigue and in some cases erection problems. It may also be that you suddenly feel much calmer.
Angiotensin 2 antagonists
Well-known angiotensin 2 antagonists are losartan, candesartan and valsartan. The effect is comparable to that of ACE inhibitors.
Calcium antagonists
Nifedipine , amlodipinene and verapamil are calcium antagonists. They have a double effect. On the one hand, they dilate the blood vessels and on the other hand, they reduce the flow of your blood by causing the heart to pump less. Headache, gastrointestinal complaints and swollen ankles are the most commonly mentioned side effects.
ACE inhibitors
Captopril , enalapril and lisinopril are so-called ACE inhibitors. ACE inhibitors have a vasodilator effect that reduces the pressure in the blood vessels. The advantage of this group of medications is that they have few side effects. The most commonly mentioned side effect is tickly cough.
Can paracetamol lower blood pressure?
Paracetamol has a blood pressure lowering effect and is sometimes used as a blood pressure lowering drug to restore normal blood pressure. Do not experiment with this yourself and ask a doctor for advice on how to lower your high blood pressure.
How can you lower blood pressure without medication?
What is the best natural blood pressure lowering?
Would you like to have a positive effect on your blood pressure? Eating healthy with lots of green leafy vegetables helps. In addition, sufficient exercise is important. If the effects want to last, you have to persevere. A healthy heart requires dedication and a new lifestyle.
Which products lower blood pressure?
Products containing unsaturated fat can lower high blood pressure. Unprocessed products are better for you than processed products. Whole grain products help lower high blood pressure, as does vegetable oil. Oily fish and products containing potassium are also good for your blood vessels. Products that contain a lot of potassium are: banana, avocado, mango, pear and figs. And good news for chocolate fans: dark chocolate also contains a lot of potassium.
Nutrition and exercise: these tips help!
6 tips to lower your blood pressure by adjusting your diet
You can do a lot yourself to quickly lower your blood pressure. The basis is healthy food and a healthy lifestyle. We have listed the most important tips for you. With these tips on blood pressure-lowering foods, you can bring yourself back to normal blood pressure.
Tip 1 Ensure sufficient exercise
Exercise is good for your blood vessels. Exercise intensively for at least an hour every day or less intensively for an hour and a half. It contributes to healthy blood pressure and helps to keep your stress levels under control.
Tip 2 Provide a healthy, varied, low-salt diet
We have already mentioned a lot about nutrition. Here are some additions. Unsaturated fatty acids fit into a diet against high blood pressure. Oily fish contributes to low blood pressure. Products that contain less salt are healthier.
Tip 3 Watch your alcohol consumption
Drink in moderation. A glass of red wine is allowed and good for your heart.
Tip 4 Don't smoke
Smoking is not good for anything, not even your heart. So walk with a wide berth around smoking materials. Just as important as healthy eating and needs no further explanation.
Tip 5 Maintain a healthy weight
A healthy weight helps to keep your body in balance and contributes to good blood pressure.
Tip 6 Avoid stress and tension
Long-term stress and tension are disastrous for your blood pressure. Therefore, avoid stress and tension as much as possible, especially in the long term.
Nutrients with a positive influence
Products with magnesium and omega 3 naturally lower your blood pressure and that makes your heart happy. Vitamin D rich products are also a source of healthy blood pressure. Products with a rich source of vitamin D are egg, eel, mackerel and salmon
What can I eat and drink without raising my blood pressure?
Vegetables are important for high blood pressure. In addition, products with whole wheat and products with many unsaturated fatty acids. Drink green tea and water and avoid drinks with a lot of (added) sugars. Eat enough fruit.
Which fruits and vegetables lower blood pressure?
Green vegetables such as spinach, endive, arugula and lettuce help to lower your blood pressure. In addition, beets are good for a blood pressure-lowering diet. Berries, bananas and mango are fruits that you can use well.
What should you avoid eating with high blood pressure?
By far the biggest culprits for high blood pressure are saturated fats, sugars and salt. Even if that is the only thing you change in your diet, you are doing yourself a big favor.