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The drug Wartec, also called Warticon, helps combat the growth of genital warts. It is a drug that is all about fighting the growth of cells. It is easy to use once the correct technique is known. The medicine is used for a longer period of time, but in phases. For that reason it is also important to become well acquainted with this. This way, the complaints can be combated permanently. If the medicine is used correctly, the warts will not return.

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Wartec cream side effects

The main side effects of Wartec cream relate to the part of the skin it is applied to. A burning sensation may be experienced immediately after application. Sometimes it can also be itching or irritation. In addition, the area may become slightly red and even painful on the second or third day of use. These complaints generally disappear quickly. However, if this is not the case, you may need to consult with the doctor about further treatment.

How to use Wartec (warticon)?

There are two forms of Wartec. One concerns a spotting fluid. The other a cream. In both cases, three days of use are followed by four days of rest. It is important to thoroughly clean the area on which the substance is applied, as well as the hands when the cream is used, with lukewarm water. Then pat the area dry thoroughly. The skin around the genital warts (STD) should be protected by applying some Vaseline. Also make sure that your hands are washed immediately so that the skin does not come into contact with the product.

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Active ingredients

Podophyllotoxin is the active ingredient on which Wartec cream runs. This is a substance that ensures that cells do not have a chance to grow further. If you choose to use touch-on liquid, collodion may have been incorporated into the product to enhance the effect of the substances. In that case it should only be used once a week, while in other cases three times of use are recommended.

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