Generieke PrEP


(Prescription + Medicine + 48-Hour Delivery)

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Buy mtricitabine/Tenofovir disoproxil as a form of pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP for the prevention of HIV/AIDS infections is now also online possible at our pharmacy.

PLEASE NOTE: As this is a generic medication, the brand of product you receive may be different than shown in the illustration .

You can buy PrEP online quickly, discreetly and safely through our service. When ordering PrEP you complete our short medical questionnaire and our registered doctors will check your request. If they deem that you can use PrEP safely, your PrEP will be sent discreetly from our pharmacy. Delivery takes place on the next working day.

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What is the best way to take PrEP?

You can use PrEP in different ways. Which method is best depends on how and when you want to have sex and what your own doctor has recommended.

Read more about different ways to take PrEP.

Do I need to be tested for HIV first?

Yes, If you have not used PrEP before, you must first take an HIV test to determine your HIV status. You can do this through the GGD, your own GP or through an online HIV test.

You can buy PrEP online or request a repeat prescription for PrEP from our online pharmacy. The consultation is carried out by one of our registered doctors and upon approval the doctor will issue an electronic prescription, after which our pharmacy will immediately prepare your PrEP medicines for discreet shipment. Delivery takes place the next working day.

You can only order 250mg/245mg Emtricitabine/Tenofovir disoproxil when you use this medication as PrEP. If you want to use the medication to treat HIV or renew your prescription, you must do this through your own doctor.

What are the symptoms of HIV and can I treat HIV?

The human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is a condition that attacks the immune system. Over time, if left untreated, HIV can damage immune cells to the point where your body cannot fight off infections or diseases. Medication after exposure to HIV is intended to suppress the virus so that HIV develops less quickly. Usually, a combination treatment of  antiretroviral medications is used to treat the infection in HIV positive patients.

HIV symptoms are not always obvious. In some cases, you may develop flu-like symptoms such as fever, rash, headache and fatigue during the incubation phase. Shortly afterwards the virus has established itself in the body and you are HIV positive. These symptoms could easily be mistaken for other conditions and not directly associated with HIV. Sometimes it can take years before someone knows that he or she has HIV/AIDS.

How is an HIV test performed?

HIV is detected via a blood test and is normally carried out as part of a general STD test. We recommend that sexually active people at risk of HIV have an HIV test every 3 months, even if there are no symptoms.

The HIV virus can be spread through semen, blood, vaginal fluid and anal fluid of an infected person. Saliva and sweat are not a source of contamination. Unprotected sex is often the cause of HIV infections, as is the use of dirty injection needles or sharing injection needles and syringes. Yet most HIV infections in the Netherlands occur through sex without a condom.

Using a barrier method such as a condom is the best protection against HIV and other STDs, but if you are at a higher risk of HIV it may be wise to use Emtricitabine/Tenofovir disoproxil as PrEP (prophylaxis) to prevent minimize the risk of contamination.

How does PrEP work?

The most commonly used treatment to prevent HIV infection is currently Truvada. The generic version of Truvada is Emtricitabine/Tenofovir disoproxil, named after the active ingredients in this antiretroviral medication. The enzyme that HIV needs to spread through the body is called reverse transcriptase and emtricitabine and enofovir disoproxil limit the activities of this enzyme. This makes it difficult for the HIV virus to establish and spread in the body.

Use of Emtricitabine/Tenofovir disoproxil is a licensed form of PrEP approved by the European Medicines Agency. If you want to buy generic Truvada or order any other generic medication, you must make sure you do this from a reliable pharmacy.

How can I buy Emtricitabine/Tenofovir disoproxil online?

To renew your PrEP prescription online, complete our short medical questionnaire. Your answers will be checked by our registered doctors and if the doctor finds your use of PrEP safe, a prescription for Emtricitabine/Tenofovir disoproxil will be written. Our pharmacy in the UK or one of our partner pharmacies in the EU will ship your 200mg/245mg Emtricitabine/Tenofovir disoproxil discreetly for you and this will be delivered to you the next working day.