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Sildenafil is the name of a drug that can help widen blood vessels. This makes it suitable for various conditions related to the blood vessels. In most cases it will involve combating erectile dysfunction. The substance does not dilate all blood vessels, but it does dilate those in the penis, for example. It is good to know how the drug is used correctly. This is important to achieve the purpose of the operation. Therefore, take it correctly.

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Side effects of Sildenafil

Headache, combined with flushing and hot flashes, is a side effect of Sildenafil that can occur in up to thirty percent of cases. The same applies to gastrointestinal complaints. Consider nausea or abdominal pain, sometimes resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. Complaints that may also occur, but are less common, are: eye complaints, back pain, muscle pain, dizziness, a drop in blood pressure, nasal congestion, runny nose, tingling, burning sensation, flu-like symptoms or allergic reactions such as itching, swelling or rash. Heart problems also sometimes occur. In particular, allergies and heart complaints should be reported to a doctor.

The interaction between Sildenafil and other medications

Sildenafil interacts with other medications. This includes other blood vessel dilators containing nitrate. Drugs such as Bosentan and other medications to treat the condition PAH also do not go together. Medicines for an enlarged prostate, some antibiotics and some medicines for stomach problems can also cause problems in combination. That is why it is always important to report exactly which medications are being taken now, in the recent past or in the near future. Always pay close attention to this because medications can significantly interfere with each other. This can therefore cause serious health problems at that time. This is of course not the intention.

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Store the medicine

Sildenafil should be stored in a dry place at room temperature. Make sure it is not placed in direct sunlight, it must remain below 25 degrees. The drug must also be out of reach of children. This is very important. Also make sure that the product is not stored longer than the expiry date.

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