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For erectile dysfunction, erectile dysfunction drugs can reduce the symptoms. Since 2018, Vardenafil can be purchased as a generic version ofLevitra. With the help of this erection pill it is possible to get hard, stiff erections again. The drug is available in doses of 5, 10 and 20 mg. Do you want to start using this medication? You can complete a medical questionnaire via the online pharmacy. A doctor can assess your application based on this information. After approval, you can immediately place an order, which will usually be delivered to your home in discreet packaging the next working day.

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The erection pill Vardenafil works by reducing the pressure on the blood vessels, which improves blood flow to the penis. Erectile dysfunction can have various causes. Age is an important factor: about half of all men aged 40 and older experience it at some point. Psychological causes can also play a role. Work stress and depression are well-known examples of this. Lifestyle can also have an influence. For example, smoking, alcohol and insufficient exercise can contribute to erectile dysfunction. Sometimes there is a physical cause, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. It is recommended that you visit your doctor if you have erection problems so that underlying causes can be investigated. The doctor can also prescribe erection pills, such as Vardenafil. Another example of an erection pill isViagra.

Effect of Vardenafil

Vardenafil is a type of PDE5 inhibitor. The patent that pharmaceutical company Bayer had on this medication expired in 2018. This means that manufacturers can now market generic versions of the drug. Vardenafil is an example of this. PDE5 inhibitors cause the narrowed blood vessels at the base of the penis to widen. By improving blood flow, it becomes easier to get a stiff erection again.

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Instructions for use

Are you going to use medication for the first time? Always read the package leaflet carefully. For example, this contains more information about the use of the drug. Correct use ensures that the medication can achieve the maximum effect. In addition, the chance of experiencing side effects is reduced. Usually the dosage is 1 tablet, which should be taken 30 minutes before having sexual intercourse.

The following instructions for use also apply:

  • Swallow the pills whole, with some water;
  • It takes between 25 and 60 minutes for this medicine to take effect;
  • Do you take the drug after a heavy meal? Then your digestion can be slowed down, making it take longer for the drug to work.
  • The medication remains active for up to five hours after administration;
  • Do not use more than the prescribed dosage;
  • Never use more than 1 tablet per 24 hours;
  • Do you have a persistent erection that lasts more than 4 hours? Then seek medical help immediately;
  • Please note that using this pill still requires sexual stimulation for it to be effective.

You will find complete instructions for use in the package leaflet, the above is only a guideline. Do you have any questions about usage? Please ask your pharmacist or doctor about this.

Side effects

Medications can cause side effects. This also applies to this medicine. It is important to be aware of this before first use, so that you can take immediate action if necessary. In any case, seek immediate medical attention if you develop vision or hearing problems, or recognize symptoms of an allergic reaction (such as hives and breathing problems).

The drug may also have the following side effects:

  • Common (in 1 or more than 1 in 10 men): headache;
  • Regularly occurring (in 1 or more than 1 in 10 men): flushing, runny nose, dizziness, digestive problems;
  • Less common (affects 1 or less than 1 in 100 men): swelling of the face, lips, skin or nasal tissue, drowsiness, vision or hearing problems, red eyes, eye pain, photosensitivity, tinnitus, vertigo, shortness of breath, fullness nose, heartburn, stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, rash, red skin, back or muscle pain, lethargy;
  • Very rare (affects 1 or less than 1 in 1,000 men): blood in urine or from penis, blood in semen.